Head of Queen Hatshepsut

Head of Queen Hatshepsut
head of hatshepsut
-   This limestone head belongs toqueenHatshepsut who was an extraordinary lady with ambitious and powerful personality which enabled her to rule Egypt for about 20 years full of peace and prosperity.
Brief Notes concerning the Ascension of Hatshepsut to the Throne:
1-    For the story of Hatshepsut, she was the daughter of Thutmose I the great king who founded an Egyptian empire in western Asia and Nubia. Her mother was a principal royal wife [1].
2-    After the death of her father Thutmose I, she married her half-brother named Thutmose II to give him the right for the throne because he was a son of a secondary wife [2].
3-    During six years of marriage Hatshepsut got a daughter named Neferure and in the same time her husband Thutmose II got a son called Thutmose III from a secondary wife [3].
4-    After the death of Thutmose II, his son Thutmose III ascended the throne but since he was a child he was placed under the regency of queen Hatshepsut. Then Hatshepsut dominated the throne of Egypt.
5-    Hatshepsut in order to possess the right for the throne she invented a story with the help of the priests that she was the divine daughter of god Amun. According to the story Amun took the form of her father Thutmose I and entered the room of her mother queen Ahmos and made her pregnant of his divine daughter Hatshepsut who would inherit the throne of Egypt [4].
The Head:
6-    Concerning the head it was a part of a complete statue for the Queen which was attached with a pillar in hertemple [5].
7-    The artist represented the facial features in fine way clearly shown in the remarkable eye brows, wide eyes with the cosmetic line of kohl, high full cheek bones, delicate nose and thin mouth with gracious smile [6].
8-    The queen is having curved false [7] beard as if she was identified with god Osiris lord of the netherworld.
9-       She is painted with the male reddish color. But the artist succeeded in adding the feminine touch to the face.

[1] The name of the mother of Hatshepsut was Ahmose.
[2] The secondary wife of Thutmose I and the mother of Thutmose II was named Mutnefert.
[3] The secondary wife of Thutmose II and the mother of Thutmose III was named Isis. There is a statue for her in the hall of the New Kingdom.
[4] The divine birth of Hatshepsut is displayed on the mortuary temple of the queen at Deit Al- Bahari.
[5] The statue represented the queen in the Osirid form while placing the arms upon the chest. The head was discovered by the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts in the Mortuary Temple of the queen at Deir Al- Bahari.
[6]The ears of the head are exposed but one of them is slightly damaged.
[7]The false beard is attached to the face by strap.


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