Double Statue of King Amenemhat III as an Offering Bearer.

Double Statue of King Amenemhat III as an Offering Bearer.
1-      This granite double statues carry the facial features of king Amenemhat III [1].
2-      The double statue represents king Amenemhat III while carrying an offering table full of fish, geese and lotus that exited in the Nile River. This representation refers to certain ideas like:
(1)   To assure that Upper and Lower Egypt enjoyed prosperity during the rule of king Amenemhat III. That’s why he was shown in a double statue.
(2)   The king was shown as offering bearer to be identified with Hapy god of the Nile who provided Egypt with water and food.
3-      The artist was very skillful in making the facial features and the details of the body as well as the offerings on the table in impressive way. He also made the double statue in symmetrical way. This is realized in showing them with the same measurements.
4-      The king is wearing heavy hair wig with locks of hair and it is considered an Asian style. He is also having beard and is wearing short pleated royal kilt.
Further Information:
5-      Between the two offering tables from the front of the statue is long column of hieroglyphic inscription. This text was added by king Pa-sba-kha-m-niewt known as Pssusennes I from the 21st dynasty which can be read as:
anx nfr NTr sA Imn ms n Mwt nbt ISr Nsw-Biti aA-#pr-Ra-%tp n Imn
“Life to the good god, son of Amun, child of Mut, lady of ISr [2], king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Great Existence of Re, the chosen by Amun)”.
6-            At the back is another vertical hieroglyphic text of Pssusennes is read as:
sA anx Dd wAs nb snb nb Aw-ib nb HA Nsw-Biti aA-#pr-Ra-%tp n Imn %A-Ra [PA……]
“All protection, life stability and power, all health and all desire would be for king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Great Existence of Re, the chosen by Amun), the Son of Re Pa…..”.
It is noticed that only the first sign of the name of Psussennes I “Pa” is existing [3].
- At the time of discovering this double statue was first believed to belong to one of the Hyksos kings but it was indicated that the statues are having the facial features of Amenemhat III represented in the broad face, the high cheek bones, the wrinkles above and beneath the projecting eyes and the firm lips.

Thanks and with my best wishes
Dr. Hesham Ezz Eldin

[1] This monument was found at Tanis. At the time of its discovering it was thought to belong to one of the Hyksos kings. But, it was indicated that it belongs to king Amenemhat III because of having his same facial features like the broad face, the high cheek bones, the wrinkles above and beneath the projecting eyes and the firm lips.
[2] ISr is the place of the temple of Mut at Karnak.
[3] See the name of Psussennes I on the sphinx of king Amenemhat III.


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